Long Time, No Update

So yet again I have not updated the site. This is going to change this time, for real.

In the past few weeks I have been working on an complete redesign of an old task management app I called DoneIt. It is now complete and will be released to the app store on Thursday. The app is available for iPhone only right now, but an iPad version is coming soon. When the iPad version is released it will support iCloud sync, which should be really cool. You can find out more about the app on doneitapp.com. I will post more information on the site once I have set up the app information page.

In other news, I am working on a new game. My goal is to finish by the end of October. More updates on this game will be coming later this week. For now I will tell you that it was inspired by Robotron 2084.

Another Feature From Down Under!

This time it is a bit bigger feature, now on the front page of the iPad App Store in the What’s Hot section in both Australia and New Zealand . Unfortunately no big feature in the US yet. Hopefully next week…

Rocket Chimp Featured!


Rocket Chimp has been featured in a few New & Noteworthy sections on the App Store! They are only viewable in iTunes and not actually on the device, but hey, I’ll take what I can get. The sections are iPad Family Games, iPad Action Games and iPhone Family Games.

Rocket Chimp Now Available!

My newest game Rocket Chimp is now available on the App Store! It is a free download, so what are you waiting for?

It is available for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch as a Universal binary. For more information, check out the app page here.

New Game Coming Soon

Well it has been a while yet again. Soon I will probably join the #idevblogaday waiting list so I can force myself to write more. Anyways, right now I am working on a new game that is a quick pick-up and play game akin to TargetTap.

One game mode, one leaderboard, and a bunch of achievements. I will be needing beta testers soon so if you would like to beta test and have an iOS device just send me an email at jason@swiftfox.co.

The one thing that will be different about this game in terms of marketing is that it will be available to download for free. I am trying out a very simple idea – give away a fun, free game with advertising in it and allow those that enjoy the game buy an in-app purchase for 99 cents to remove the ads. I know some people have tried it but I haven’t seen a ton of statistics on this kind of distribution. The game will also be Universal so if you buy the IAP on your iPhone you can play with no ads on iPad. I am hoping that I can get it up in the Free app charts between press releases, forum posts, Facebook/Twitter posts, Admob House ads in my other apps and using the news ticker that I implemented in TargetTap (Lite).

Unlike Aquawars I am actually going to try and create a marketing “blitz” at launch. Hopefully it will work and push it up the charts. Screenshots and other information on the game will be coming in the next week.

Slight Modifications

After some slight modifications I am actually starting to like this theme. I am probably just going to end up redesigning the landing page and the header and sticking with this theme. The blog text is now much cleaner and easier to read. That was my biggest gripe with the old design. Also the sidebar looks a whole lot better.

And with the addition of WordPress I get a whole bevy of new features. So overall it has been a win. Now I just have to transfer the app pages into WordPress pages and transfer the domain names to point to this server.

Moving to WordPress

Well I started this site 2 or so years ago as a simple site made in iWeb, mainly because I wanted some kind of web presence as soon as possible. Sometime after I began working on a PHP backend for the new site and it worked pretty well. The problem was that I never got around to actually implement proper blog features like pingbacks, rss feeds and a decent commenting system. So now I have decided to port my basic theme over to WordPress. I had originally wanted to create a whole new website for the WordPress theme but I decided just to keep it simple for the transition.

An all new site will be coming sometime next year, after I finish some iOS apps.

New Site Coming Soon!

I am working on a redesign of the Swift Fox Software site, it will be a pretty slow process but I think switching to WordPress will be worth it. My current site uses custom software I developed with PHP but it is becoming too much of a hassle to maintain and also is lacking features that would take too long to develop so the switch will let me get off of the web development focus and instead work on iOS stuff. I also bought this new domain (https://swiftfox.co) which is much easier to type than the old https://swiftfox.co/

In other news I am awaiting my new new computer which I ordered last Friday but had to return because of its wobbly base. I really hope it comes tomorrow because I may have jury duty on Monday meaning I won’t get the package till Tuesday. But I will see what happens.